List Filtering
This page describes how to use filters when listing resources. This can be used to reduce the returned set of resources when performing a list operation.
Note: This feature is intended to provide a userful service to clients; it does not affect the database queries generated for the operation and as such is not designed to provide greater efficiency.
Starting in Boundary 0.1.8, when running a list action, a filter can be
specified. It uses the standard filter syntax used
elsewhere in Boundary. Unless otherwise specified for a given list endpoint, the
list of items being returned is looped through and the filter is run on the JSON
representation of that item. A good way to see what that data looks like is by
looking at representative JSON output on the command line; for example, the
following is the output of boundary targets list -scope-id p_1234567890 -format json
on a dev instance (piped through jq
for readability):
"id": "ttcp_1234567890",
"scope_id": "p_1234567890",
"scope": {
"id": "p_1234567890",
"type": "project",
"name": "Generated project scope",
"description": "Provides an initial project scope in Boundary",
"parent_scope_id": "o_1234567890"
"name": "Generated target",
"description": "Provides an initial target in Boundary",
"created_time": "2021-02-24T22:19:50.640476Z",
"updated_time": "2021-02-24T22:19:50.640476Z",
"version": 1,
"type": "tcp",
"session_max_seconds": 28800,
"session_connection_limit": -1,
"attributes": {
"default_port": 22
"authorized_actions": [
As the filter tests each entry being returned, it places the data under test
within the filter at /item
On the CLI a filter can be given via -filter
Tip: Double quotes are part of the filter syntax; when using the CLI, it is likely easier to surround the filter with single quotes than to deal with escaping double quotes.
When using the HTTP API, it is a filter
query parameter.
Tip: Ensure that the query parameter is properly escaped! Most HTTP libraries will
do this for you. If you're having trouble, try using the -output-curl-string
flag with the Boundary CLI:
$ boundary targets list -scope-id p_1234567890 -format json -filter '"authorize-session" in "/item/authorized_actions"' -output-curl-string
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(boundary config get-token -keyring-type pass -token-name default)" -H "Content-Type: application/json" ''
Following are some examples.
Resources in which the user is allowed to run an "update" action:
"update" in "/item/authorized_actions"
Resources matching a name pattern, but only those within an organization scope:
"/item/name" matches "groupa-*" and "/item/scope/type" == "org"