Import: strings
The strings import exposes common string operations.
strings.has_prefix(s, prefix)
Returns true if s
starts with prefix
strings.has_prefix("billing-id", "billing-") // true
strings.has_prefix("bill-id", "billing-") // false
strings.has_suffix(s, suffix)
Returns true if s
ends with suffix
strings.has_suffix("billing-id", "id") // true
strings.has_suffix("billing-name", "id") // false
strings.join(a, sep)
Joins a list with the string supplied by sep
Multi-dimensional lists are supported, and non-string primitive types will be converted to their string equivalents. Maps and other complex non-list types are not supported.
strings.join(["foo", "bar", "baz"], ".") // ""
strings.join([["foo", "bar"], "baz"], ".") // ""
strings.join(["a", 1, 1.01, true], ",") // "a,1,1.01,true"
strings.trim_prefix(s, prefix)
Trim the prefix from the string s
. If the string doesn't have the
prefix, then the string is returned unmodified.
strings.trim_prefix("billing-id", "billing-") // "id"
strings.trim_prefix("bill-id", "billing-") // "bill-id"
strings.trim_suffix(s, suffix)
Trim the suffix from the string s
. If the string doesn't have the
suffix, then the string is returned unmodified.
strings.trim_suffix("billing-id", "-id") // "billing"
strings.trim_suffix("bill-id", "-foo") // "bill-id"
Lowercase the string s.
strings.to_lower("FoO") // "foo"
Uppercase the string s.
strings.to_upper("FoO") // "FOO"
strings.split(s, sep)
Split the string 's' via a substring 'sep'. If 'sep' is not contained in 's', the return value will be a single-element list containing only 's'. As a special-case, if the input is already a list, it will be returned as-is. This allows calling the split function when not knowing if the input is already a list or not.
strings.split("foo,bar,baz", ",") // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
strings.split(["foo", "bar", "baz"], ",") // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]